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Interface IWorkspaceTypeConfig

Defines the root configuration of a workspace type. Workspace Administrators and Config Editors use this as a reference for the JSON configuration of their workspace types.


  • IWorkspaceTypeConfig



additionalProps: any

Additional properties which are sent in the webhooks. Can be any valid JSON object.

Optional allowDelete

allowDelete: boolean

this is an optional boolean that specifies if an instance of this workspace type can also be deleted, i.e. a "Delete"-button is displayed to the user.

Defaults to "false".

Optional approvalWorkflow

approvalWorkflow: IApprovalWorkflowConfig

Configures the approval workflow on this workspace type

Optional category

category: MuiString

Optional multi-language string that refers to the category label of a group of workspace types. This will be shown in the user interface for regular users.


creationOptions: ICreationOptionsConfig

Defines how a new instance of this workspace type will be created.


description: MuiString

Multi-language string that refers to the description of the workspace type. This will be shown in certain places in the user interface for regular users.


This is where you define the relevant metadata for your workspace type. Each metadata information is defined as a workspace field in the fields array.


label: MuiString

Multi-language string that refers to the display name for this type of workspace. This will be shown in the user interface for regular users and this will also be set as the TitleResource on the created fields in the SharePoint list.

Optional logoUrl

logoUrl: string

Optional URL of an image that will be displayed to the user in the overview of the workspace types the user is allowed to create.

Optional metadataIntegration

metadataIntegration: IMetadataIntegrationConfig

Optional configuration to integrate with the MatchPoint Metadata service.


parentTermId: string

Workspaces will need a parent term under which they will be created. This is useful afterwards for data aggregation and search. This term needs to be created manually in the Term Store (SharePoint Online) or Managed Meta Data Service(SharePoint 2019).


provisioningConfig: IProvisioningConfig

This is where you define your workspace's provisioning templates. These templates will be applied to the workspaces your users create.


typeKey: string

This key needs to be unique and is used internally to identify the workspace type config


webhooks: IWebhooksConfig

You can use webhooks to attach your custom code to certain steps of the workspace lifecycle.